Prop Replicas (Film)

This is a wishlist of replicas I would like to have for my display collection. Prop replicas of various items from my favorite media (Film/Television/Video Games). The first 3 pages are for items that are constantly made and sold, there's a separate page with replicas that don't currently exist as purchasable items on the Internet. I specifically look for even amount of quality and fair price. No matter the price, I will not think of buying a replica that isn't close to 100% accurate in both appearance and 1:1 size. Size will be an exception for some items. I do not expect there to be a 1:1 perfect metal/plastic replica of the Companion Cube for a low price (and I probably wouldn't want one either.)

Jack Sparrow's Compass
"Aye, the compass doesn't point north,
but we're not trying to find north, are we?"
Source: Pirates of the Caribbean
Purpose: Points towards what the holder wants most in the world.
Replica: It's sad that some places sell replicas for high prices when there is a very good replica sold with cheap $20 Jack Sparrow costumes. Can be bought from several different costume websites. I don't care in the end that it's for a child's costume. It looks the same and is cheaper.

The Sorcerer's Stone / The Philosopher's Stone
"Immortal?" "It means you'll never die."
"I know what it means!"  
Source: Harry Potter
Purpose: Stone could be used to prolong a person's life to the point of immortality and also turned any metal into pure gold.
Replica: The one pictured is labeled as "perfect" and is sold by multiple websites, including Noble Collection. Less professional ones on Etsy.

The One Ring
"One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,
one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
Source: The Lord of the Rings
Purpose: The greatest of all Rings of Power and the most powerful artifact in all of Middle Earth.
Replica: Unfortunately, there is such a wide diverse range of ring replicas that it's hard to pin-point the best one when considering appearance, durability and price. You'll need to do your research on this one.

Woody and Buzz Lightyear
"YOU! ARE! A! TOYYY! You're not
the real Buzz Lightyear, you're an action
figure! You are a child's play thing!"
"...You are a sad, strange little man.
And you have my pity."
Source: Toy Story
Purpose: In the franchise, toys are anthropomorphic and pretend to be lifeless when humans are around, their main goal is to make children happy. Woody and Buzz Lightyear are the main characters of the films.
Replica: There have been toy replicas of them since Toy Story was first released. The Toy Story Collection by Thinkway Toys make authentic replicas of many of the toys, sponsored by Pixar. Most aren't as perfect as advertised, but they are definitely the best available.

"Anyone can use a blaster or a fusioncutter—
but to use a lightsaber well was a mark of
someone a cut above the ordinary."
Source: Star Wars
Purpose: Lightsabers are melee weapons with blades made out of pure plasma, most commonly used by the Jedi Order and the Sith.
Replica: The lightsaber is perhaps the most commonly-made replica of all time. Like with the One Ring, you'll need to do lots of research to find one that fits your needs.

Wonka Bar w/ Golden Ticket
"You know... I'll bet those golden tickets
make the chocolate taste terrible."
Source: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Purpose: One day, the world learns that Willy Wonka hid golden tickets inside the wrappings of 5 Wonka Bars, and the finders would be given a special tour of the Chocolate Factory.
Replica: I'd suggest going to Etsy for this one, they make authentic looking ones for display (not actual candy)

Sex Panther Cologne
"60 percent of the time, it works every time."
Source: Anchorman
Purpose: Sex Panther is a cologne. It's a manly cologne. So don't even try wearing it if you're not manly. It's illegal in 9 countries, and is made with bits of real panther. It also smells like Bigfoot's dick.
Replica: It's a choice between cheap/professional and expensive/accurate. All up to you, check out the details.

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