Prop Replicas (Television)

Continued from Page 1, but focusing on Television replicas.

Kate's Toy Airplane
"I want the truth, just this once. What is it?"
"It belonged to the man i loved." "Stop lying!"
"I'm not! It belonged to the man I killed!"
Source: Lost
Purpose: Kate's most prized possession and symbol of her past love connection off the Island.
Replica: A 1:1 prop replica of this toy plane is included with the McFarlane Kate Action Figure.

Charlie's DS Ring
"You're gonna get married, have a family, a baby.
I'll be lucky if I hit thirty. The ring has to stay in
the family, Charlie. So please, take it.

Source: Lost
Purpose: Charlie's family heirloom that inspired the name of his band Drive Shaft.
Replica: Another replica is sold with the McFarlane Charlie Action Figure, but more sturdy accurate ones can be bought from various websites like Ebay.

Fail-Safe Dharma Key
"Here's the real question, Desmundo -
do you have the courage to take your
finger out of the dam and blow the whole
thing up, instead?"
Source: Lost
Purpose: The key is used to activate the Swan Station fail-safe that terminates the electromagnetic buildup which the button was meant to do.
Replica: There are a few replicas sold on sites like Ebay, which is probably the best place to find them. The one pictured is the most popular, but is also the most pricey.

Faraday's Journal
"Explain to me... and you have my word I will believe you.
How is this my handwriting if I don't remember writing it?"
Source: Lost
Purpose: Daniel Faraday's journal contained experimental notes and data focusing on physics, time travel, the DHARMA Initiative, and more.
Replica: The one that was used is a journal that was (and still is) sold on Barnes and Noble.

Blue Sky (Crystal Meth)
"What is this? This is blue."
"We used a different chemical process,
but it is every bit as pure." "It may be blue,
but it's the bomb!"
Source: Breaking Bad
Purpose: Walter White and Jesse Pinkman's signature 99.1% chemically pure crystal methamphetamine, with the street name Blue Sky.
Replica: Actually very simple, and cheap. Blue rock candy. Put it in a zip bag, and you got yourself a replica of blue crystal meth. Could also be bath salts. Various sellers on Etsy.

Sonic Screwdriver
"Okay, this can function as a sonic blaster, a sonic cannon, 
and as a triple-enfolded sonic disruptor. Doc, what you got?" 
"I've got a sonic, er.. Oh, never mind." "What?" 
"It's sonic,okay? Let's just leave it at that."
Source: Doctor Who
Purpose: The Sonic Screwdriver is the type of device you'd kill to have in real life. It has almost endless capabilities in security, technology, medical and utility categories, plus more.
Replica: You can get perfect replicas of both the 9th/10th and 11th Doctor versions of the Sonic Screwdriver from ThinkGeek.


4-Star Dragon Ball
"Come forth Eternal Dragon, and grant my wish!"
Source: Dragonball
Purpose: Dragon Balls are orange, crystalline spheres with the ability to call forth the Eternal Dragon Shenron who has the ability to grant wishes to anyone who gathers all seven of them.
Replica: You can buy acrylic dragon ball replicas on sites like Amazon and Ebay (probably more too). To make room for more items, I'd just get the 4-star since it has more significance, rather than all of them plus a display box.

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